The 2010 Annual General Meeting ended with a high note and KLBBF is expected to move ahead with more zeal than compare to last year.
There's a slight change of office bearer as the previous person, En. Abdul Halim Bin Budin (KLBBF's Treasurer: 2009 - Mar 7, 2010) has stepped down from his office and has swapped his position with En. R. Murugan Renganathan, KLBBF's Committee Member since 2009. En. Abdul Halim Budin will remain as KLBBF's Coach and will spearhead the training of Team KL (after the selection at Mr.KL championships on June 20) in the upcoming 41st Mr. Malaysia 2010 in Pulau Pinang (Jul 16-19).
His stepping down is due to his increasing workload as co-gym owner of his newly open gym in Kajang. Thus with the swap he will remain as a committee member of the Malaysian Bodybuilding Federation.
KLBBF would wish to thank En. Abdul Halim Budin for his services as Treasurer and his continue support & work as KLBBF's coach.
En. R. Murugan Renganathan, is at present the Chairman of Kelab Bina Badan RMSS and has actively assisted KLBBF during 3 Mr. KL championships (2007-2009). He successfully passed his Judges' Test at the last Mr. Malaysia championships in Johor. He at present also a Trainer with St. John Ambulance of Malaysia, Selangor and holds the portfolio of State Staff Officer (Special Duties). A new member of KLBBF and a hardworker who has passion to be a coach someday.
KLBBF wishes to welcome En. R.Murugan Renganathan as it's new Treasurer w.e.f. Mar 7, 2010. A handing over ceremony would be arranged soon to make it official.
New KLBBF Executive Committee Line-up
(2009 - 2011)
En. Subramaniam Ganapathy
En. Francis Yong AMW, PJK
En. Vincent Ho PPW
En. R. Murugan Renganthan (w.e.f. Mar 7, 2010)
Asst. Secretary
Cik S. Sheena Karpagam
Discipline: En. Tony Ho Chee Cheng
Coach: En. Abdul Halim bin Budin
Competition: En. Subramaniam Ganapathy
Technical: En. D. Kennady
En. A. Nannimuthu PPW
En. Abdul Halim Budin
Cik Prescilla Rudd
En. W. Daniel
En. T. Panirselvam
Cik V. Ammutha
2nd: the much awaited 1st WPKL Inter-Gym & Clubs Bodybuilding Championships will make its run this year after a last minute technical hiccup last year. The organising committee will be chaired by En. G. Subramaniam who is also KLBBF's President, who hope to see more championships or bodybuilding contest to be organised in KL besides the annual Mr. KL championships. (details of it will be posted in the coming months).
3rd: Admittance of Private Owned Gyms (POG) as Associate Members to KLBBF. At present only Clubs which are registered with Pejabat Persuruhjaya Sukan (PPS) is admitted as Members' Clubs and it's members made up the bulk of KLBBF's committee. POG are those who are registered as business with Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) / Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) as either with Register of Companies (ROC - Sdn.Bhd.) or Register of Business Malaysia (ROB - Sole Proprietorship or Partnership). An indepth look at the present KLBBF's constitution is being done to safeguard all parties concerned.
4th: A look-out for smart partnerships with individuals or corporate companies in the interest of sponsoring our athletes and association to run it's programs and activities. At present, KLBBF derives its funds from FT Sports Council (Majlis Sukan Wilayah Persekutuan) and the adminission fees to the annual Mr. KL championships. The former has informed all sports entities within Wilayah Persekutuan to create a creative platform to look for their own funds as the government (National or State) will not be forever assist in providing funds in the coming future. Thus KLBBF has to venture out and look for its niche and bodybuilding friendly corporate firms to fund its future programs & activities.
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