Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pertandingan Badan Cantik ke-2

Pertandingan Badan Cantik ke-2, Kelab Gim Rakyat Bukit Kiara 2013 sekembali tahun ini...dengan nafas baru.

Hadiah wang tunai akan disediakan untuk pemenang tempat pertama sehingga ke-3 beserta sijil penyertaan serta hadiah tambahan.

Dua (2) kategori akan dipertandingkan, iaitu:

  1. Berat badan bawah 70kg; dan
  2. Berat badan 70kg ke atas.
Syarat-syarat Penyertaan:
  1. Dibuka kepada semua lelaki warganegara Malaysia.
  2. Tiada had umur.
  3. Boleh memakai seluar jeans, seluar 2/3 panjang ataupun bermuda.
  4. Pewarna badan tidak diperlukan / tidak wajib.
  5. Jika boleh, tutup aurat (pusat ke bawah).
Pendaftaran pada pukul 11 pagi.

Pertandingan akan bermula jam 2 petang.

Yuran PenyertaanRM20.00 seorang.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Anatomy of a Muscle - What our muscles are made of

Muscles are constructed of bundles of fibers contained within protective sheaths called fascia, which are then themselves bundled together. The biggest bundle is the muscle itself. Next in line are the fascicles, which contain the long, single-celled muscle fibers. Muscle fibers are then sub-divided into myofibrils, which are divided again into bundles of myofilaments, made up from chains of sarcomeres.

1. Tendon - strong tissue that connects muscle to bone.
2. Epimysium - A layer of connective tissue that encases the entire muscle.
3. Endomysium - Connective tissue that covers the muscle fibers and also contains capillaries and nerves.
4. Perimysium - A layer of connective tissue that bundles together between ten and several hundred individual muscle fibers into fascicles.
5. Fascicle - A bundle of individual muscle fibers.
6. Myofilaments - The smallest fiber bundles in your muscles.
7. Muscle Fiber - There are two main types of muscle fiber: type 1 or slow-twitch, which are slow to fatigue and best suited to endurance; and type 2 or fast-twitch, which fatigue quickly and are suited to fast, explosive movements.
8. Blood Vessel - Blood vessels come in three types: arteries, which transport oxygenated blood away from the heart; veins, which transport de-oxygenated blood back to the heart; and capillaries, which enable the exchanges of nutrients and waste products between the blood and tissues.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tinjauan ke Gym mulai bulan depan

Sejak kebelakangan ini, saya akan dan telah membuat peninjauan ke gym-gym yang di sekitar Lembah Kelang serta Negeri Pahang. Ia adalah untuk mendapatkan maklumat mengenai gym-gym berkenaan serta maklumat operasinya.

Buat masa sekarang, saya telah membuat peninjauan ke:
  1. FixMe, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Kuala Lumpur; dan
  2. Stayfit - Fitness & Gym, Taman Equine, Seri Kembangan, Selangor.

Peninjauan ke gym-gym tersebut adalah atas dasar kesukarelaan serta ingin membantu mempromosikan pengusaha gym berkenaan (yang baru) dan memberi maklum kawasan / tempat gym yang ada di mana jua lokasi yang ada.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Selamat menyambut Hari Malaysia ke-49

Selamat Menyambut Hari Malaysia ke-49 
dari Tri-States Bodybuilding

Persatuan Bina Badan Negeri Pahang (Baru), 
Kelab Sukan Rekreasi Rovers Pulapem, Selangor (Penaja), 
Kelab Bina Badan Kepong, Kuala Lumpur.

Persiapan menghadapi Sukan Malaysia ke XVI Kuala Lumpur 2013

Persiapan menjelang Sukan Malaysia 2013 giat dilakukan oleh Pasukan Bina Badan Wilayah Persekutuan dan Negeri Pahang melalui Majlis Sukan Negeri masing-masing.

Semoga apa yang diusahakan oleh pasukan-pasukan ini akan diRahmati Allah swt.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What Are The Best Bodybuilding Exercises?

What were the first bodybuilding exercises you ever learned? What were the first ones you ever tried?
They were probably the most basic, simple free weight exercises there are. Probably the bench press, barbell curl, shoulder press, and maybe the squat and deadlift. 

And you probably made good progress from them. But somewhere along the line, things change. You start adding more exercises, more sets, and more workout days. And progress stops. So you try different exercise, in a different order and the cycle continues. 

Well, what you learned from the very start is really all you still need to build quality muscle mass. There is no need to mess around with isolation, shaping exercises. You need to go back to the beginning, back to the basics that got you growing in the first place.

The bodybuilding exercises listed on this page are the ones that your workouts need to focus on. Master these exercises using perfect form and adding a little bit of weight each workout. That will build muscle. 

Stop worrying about if your outer bicep head is in proportion to your inner bicep head. You first need to grow your arms, and the rest of your body, first and foremost. 

The Squat
This exercises primary focuses on building the quadricep, with secondary emphasis on the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. This is called the king of exercises and a good muscle building program should be based around this exercise.
The Deadlift
This exercises primary focus is building the back, with secondary emphasis on the traps, quads, and hamstrings. This is also one of the top muscle producing exercises.
The Bench Press
This exercises primary focus is on the pecs, with secondary emphasis on the shoulders and triceps.
The Shoulder Press
This exercises primary focus the deltoids with secondary emphasis on the triceps.
The Pullup
This exercises primary focus is on the lats with secondary emphasis on the bicep.
The Row
This exercises primary focus is on the lats with secondary emphasis on the lower back and biceps.
The Dip
This execises primary focus is on the lats with secondary emphasis on the chest and shoulders.
The Barbell Curl
This exercises primary focus is on the bicep with secondary emphasis on the forearms.

This is the list of the bodybuilding exercises that you should be using if you are looking to gain some muscle. Stop with the cable flyes and the tricep pushdowns. Start adding a little weight each and every workout using proper form. This is the way to grow your body. Stick with the basic and you won't be sorry.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How To Get Big Biceps Fast

Who doesn't love big biceps? How many times have people asked you to show them your muscle and you roll up your sleeve and show'em what you've got? It's a bodypart that is so admired that it's easy to overtrain it. The bicep is a small muscle. It moves the lower arm toward the body and turns the wrist inward. Any exercise that you perform should have some element of it's function. 

The barbell curl is by far one of the best mass builders. Use a shoulder wide grip and squeeze the bicep at the top of the movement. Avoid the EZ curl bar because this rolls your wrists in (pronates) and doesn't allow the bicep to contract fully. Cheating up the last couple of reps is perfectly acceptable and actually preferred to stimulate the maximum amount of muscle fiber. 

The next exercise IS the standing dumbbell curl. This allows you supinate (turn your wrists towards the outside of your body) and fully contract the bicep like no other movement can. We prefer alternate dumbbell curls so that you can fully concentrate on each contraction. 

The final bicep mass building exercise is the pull-up. You will find that you will exert considerable effort in just stabilizing your body from swinging back and forth. This is what makes the pull-up such a great mass builder. People don't like it because it's difficult but it's an important exercise to include in your routine. If you are particularly heavy then you may have to stick with barbells and dumbbells since you won't be able to get enough reps to stimulate growth.

Use these exercises and start growing big biceps fast!